Athlete Breakdown: Who is Margie Santimaria?

Margie Santimaria’s dedication and achievements in the world of triathlon make her a notable figure in the sport. Her consistent performances and the ability to excel under challenging conditions are a testament to her skills and determination.

Margie Santimaria’s Triathlon Career:

Margie Santimaria, born on 18 February 1989 in Vigevano, Italy, is an Italian professional triathlete. She became the National U23 Champion in 2010 and secured the 4th position in the National Elite Ranking the same year. In her home country, she represents Atlectica Bellinzago and Gruppi Sportivi Polizia di Stato Fiamme d’Oro. In 2010, she participated in the prestigious French Club Championship Series Lyonnaise des Eaux, representing TriClub Nantais. During this championship, she competed in one of the five triathlons and placed 22nd at Beauvais. This made her the second-best of her French club.

Margie’s triathlon journey has been marked with several notable performances. From 2007 to 2010, she participated in 7 ITU races and has since competed only in the Elite category. Some of her notable performances include:

  • European Championships (Junior) in Copenhagen, 2007 – Rank 31
  • European Championships (Junior) in Lisbon, 2008 – Rank 25
  • European Cup (Junior) in Tiszaújváros, 2008 – Rank 13
  • European Championships (U23) in Tarzo Revine, 2009 – Rank 21
  • European Cup in Quarteira, 2010 – Rank 30
  • European Cup in Senec, 2010 – Rank 16
  • European Cup in Geneva, 2010 – Rank 14

In a recent competition on 20 August 2023, Santimaria completed the PTO Asian Open in Singapore, finishing in the 11th position.

Margie Santimaria’s Recent Achievements

Margie Santimaria showcased her prowess in the Challenge Geraardsbergen, where she emerged victorious with a remarkable display of strength. Competing under challenging conditions with temperatures above 30 degrees, Margie managed to secure her win. She was particularly pleased with the non-wetsuit swim segment of the race. After the swim, she maintained a close competition with Emma Bilham during the initial biking segment. However, as the race progressed, Margie established herself as the dominant cyclist, creating a significant gap between her and Bilham. Despite the grueling conditions during the run segment, Margie held her lead and clinched the victory with a time of 4:32:07.

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