Why choose Zwift for triathlon training?

Considering getting enrolled in Zwift for triathlon training and knowledge about the details? You are at the right place, as this article will tell you about the bike workout details and the run workout details offered by zwift for triathlon training. 

Let’s dive straight into the detail. 

Bike Workout Details

Bike workout include the five sessions that include 

  1. Full distance specific 
  2. Strength Endurance/Threshold Combo
  3. 70.3 Development
  4. Short VO2 intervals 
  5. Long VO2 Max

The detail of each is as under 

1: Full-Distance Specific

With intermittent 30-second bursts intended to induce extra fatigue, this session improves the aerobic threshold, which is around Ironman level for most people. This variable intensity is an effective solution for pushing thresholds up. 

2: Strength Endurance/Threshold Combo

This workout session involves threshold riding and strength endurance. It makes this workout an amazing challenge that keeps you on your toes by bringing about sudden changes in particular cadence between sets. 

Ideally, this session boosts your FTP by changing the torque and dialing threshold power and strength. This is an amazing session if done in ERG mode. 

3: 70.3 Development

This 70.3 development is also known as the up-and-under session, where you try to get comfortable to 70.3 race pace power. This is achieved by performing efforts slightly above and slightly under the 70.3 pace. This is how you can improve the number. 

4: Short VO2 Interval

For boosting your aerobic, anaerobic, and neuromuscular systems, taking short intervals ensures the success of your training plan. Hence, short VO2 intervals play the role of a one-stop-shop. By managing the work-to-rest ratios effectively, you can target any of the three intended factors to a large extent.

5: Long VO2 Max

The point at which mitochondria, the powerhouse of muscle cells, ceases to produce energy aerobically anymore is its threshold point. Long VO2 session helps you build this by repeatedly performing high-intensity efforts; the perceived intensity of these efforts should be around 7,8/10. 

Run Workout Details

Run workout includes the following five sessions. 

  • Strength Endurance
  • Full-Distance Specific VO2 Max
  • Progressive Tempo
  • Speed booster 
  • Threshold development 

1: Strength Endurance

As with cycling, strengthening your running-specific muscles can help you improve your running off the bike, particularly when competing in long-distance triathlons. 

2: Full-Distance Specific VO2 Max

It is not easy to run long distances when tired; however, the benefits you reap as a result are worth it. This also lets you figure out how much that part of work out fatigues you as, after dishing out ironman pace, you pick up speed. 

3: Progressive Tempo

When you get fatigued, the first thing that may get affected is is the running form. Hence, while facing fatigue and running at high speed, maintaining proper form is essential to train. A progressive tempo session has been specifically designed for this purpose. 

Workout 4 is an ascending pace workout. The pace is progressively increased every few minutes until the pace reaches the threshold.

4: Speed Booster

Before shifting towards faster intervals, we will start at an aerobic tempo effort. Each rep starts getting faster than the previous one. In this session, you’ll work on both top-end speed and endurance, starting and ending with fast 400-meter reps with endurance 400-meter reps sandwiched in between. These fast-paced runs are best for enhancing mechanics and neuromuscular coordination. 

5: Threshold Development

The point at which mitochondria, the powerhouse of muscle cells, ceases to produce energy aerobically anymore is its threshold point.

Our task is to build this strength through repeated high-intensity efforts that are roughly 7-8 on a scale of 10.

Set Your Paces!

Want to make sure the best results from your structured triathlon training? Then, the best way is to start Zwift Tri running workout plan with a correct pace setting. 

Taking the Zwift 5k Test can help you determine the pace you can run at. Ensure you are rested before taking the test to get the best results!

Tips to supercharge your triathlon training

Listed below are some of the amazing tips that help you supercharge your triathlon training from Zwift. 

Plan your success

Zwift helps you plan for your success by providing you an opportunity to get training through various intensities.

What is great about Zwift, especially for triathlon athletes, is that you’re not affected by outside factors like weather, traffic, punctures, etc., and are planned. The intensity and consistency offered by Zwift for triathlon training affect your race results positively and bring about improvement in your training. 

Keep it varied

Zwift allows you to do anything and provides a lot of variation in some good course options with elevation and consistency. 

Replicate race situations

“You should set the bike and body positions for key efforts in training to replicate race conditions. Use the same data you’d get during a race, such as heart rate (HR) and power (watts), so you’re confident you can replicate those numbers on race day.

Structure your sessions

In addition to the structured workouts and even the programs, cycling outdoors is also a good way to get familiar with how the tri bike handles. The Zwift platform is a great way to increase your fitness levels. You will undoubtedly be physically ready for events, but you should not race every night!

Zwift sets for an ironman

By implementing Zwift, you can create almost any type of simulation and make it realistic!

During the Zwift triathlon training sessions, there are short power-focused efforts – e.g., a 2 x 20min effort at power levels, which is great for Ironman training.

There are also 4 hr sessions that will focus on conditioning the body to maintain an aero position and deliver consistent power output.

The social benefits

Zwift is continuously becoming more popular and immensely social. People even enjoy going for an easy spin to banter and chat in the group. Moreover, it provides an amazing opportunity to get entertained on treadmill sessions. Zwift allows me to enjoy training regardless of traffic, weather, and other interruptions.

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